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DPT 6 MAY DOO-Skopje

Phone: +389 2 311 1751
Fax: +389 2 311 2751
Address: Hristo Tatarcev 69, 1000 Skopje,
North Macedonia

25 Years in 6 May - 16.07.2021

On July 16th, we celebrate 25th anniversary of employment of one of our first employees, Goran Carcev.

All these years Goran is responsible for the warehouse and deliveries to our clients.

It is on this special day that he celebrates 25 years in our company.

We would like to thank him for all his work for our company and for all the wonderful memories we have together. 

Also, we would like to wish him many more successful years in our company.

All the best !

6 MAJ team